IBS Field Assignment
1 Peter 1:1-2
Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,
To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ, and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you.
In this Greeting Peter isn't writing to a specific group of people, but he is writing to all of the people that are at the churches at the fallowing places: Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia. He first and foremost identifies himself as an apostle of Jesus Christ. He writes this because he knows that the people in these places are going to have false teachers come in that do not preach or prophesy in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul also states that he is writing according to the foreknowledge of God the Father. This shows that he trusted what he was writing was needed to be heard. Also Paul talks of sanctification, I would have imagined that there were a lot of new believers who were asking why are bad things still happening to me now that I have fallowed Christ. This is a question I know that plenty of born again Christians ask because if the all- powerful God loves me so much then why would he let me go through this persecution? The reason is that God wishes us to be set apart for His work and for us to be used by Christ then we need to be looking more like Christ.
The next statement flows perfectly that we are obedient to Christ's calling on our lives.
This is my application from this verse is that I will be obedient to the call the Lord has on my life and I will be sensitive to what he would have me to do in the situations he places me in. For this to happen I will spend an extra hour in prayer this week.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Week 12 IBS
Week 12 Unity
Acts 2:42-43
And they devoted themselves to the
apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the
prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being
done through the apostles.
is an example of what the model 1st century church should be about BIBLICAL
teaching (teaching of the apostles), fellowship, and prayer. When this happened
in Acts 2 awe came over the people because they were following the example that
was intended for the church. The best ways that our churches can follow that
example is to do these three things teaching, fellowship, and prayer. Far too
many churches have strayed away from this but I have to have confidence that
the Lord will direct the hearts of all of the people that are seeking and
fallowing after him.
an awe come upon every soul” this statement seems that I could be referring to
a lot of things. My personal conviction is that the people were filled with awe
because they never had felt a peace and contentment that was brought by the
Holy Spirit. This seems so foreign to the American church it always seems that
there has to be something new or better that can be improved; whether the
church needs better child care or the youth department wants to build a rec
center or the congregation wants more comfortable chairs there always seems to
be something. This is not to say any of those things are bad but I feel so many
Christians miss the amazement of God that satisfies far more than any child
care program, or rec center, or comfortable pew ever could.
Application: To spend an extra 30 minutes with the Lord in the morning
worshiping him and spending time in the Word.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Week 11 IBS
Week 11 Purpose/Righteousness
Monday: Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine
before others, so that they might see your good works and give glory to your
Father who is in heaven.
On the surface this verse reads that “We are
to glorify our heavenly Father through our good deeds” to me this sounds like we
only have to glorify Christ when we are performing good works but when we accepted
Christ we allowed his will to overtake our own will. This means that when he
has called us to do something it is good but as we learn in??? we are to do
everything we do to the glory of God. In my head there seems to be a slight contradiction
here but the clarification of it is that all of the things we do are to be good
works. So when we allow our lights to shine before all men we bring him glory
because of all the good things that we are doing for Him.
often times feel as though that I don’t allow my light to shine if I do not
feel like having to answer questions about it.
application: To pray for five minutes that I will never allow my light to dim
but in all that I do I will bring glory to my heavenly Father. Also I am going
to pray that God will allow me to sit next to someone on the plane home that I can
share the gospel with.
Tuesday: Matthew 5:17
Do not think I have come to abolish the
Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.
have heard this verse quoted innumerable times! We are still to fallow Gods Law
even though we are free in Christ. Paul put it beautifully when he said “Should
I continue sinning that grace may abound? By no means!” we should strive to
fallow the Law even more because Christ fallowed the Law in every aspect. And
even though our carnal flesh will hardly ever allow us to do that, we can still
chose not to sin.
Christ fulfilled the law by living a perfect life, he created the bridge that
we needed in order to be able to attain heaven. The fact that Jesus fulfilled
every single Old Testament prophecy about the Messiah is incredible and defies
statistics. I all too often forget to realize that Jesus ministry was so much
more than on the cross; he resisted every single temptation that I have and
will ever suffer and it was that that qualified him to be able to die in the
cross. The perfect, sinless man could become sin that we might become His
application: To pray that God would continue to reveal the areas in my life that
is not bringing total glory to Him and I will talk with my teammate Kyle about
those things so he can hold me accountable.
Wednesday: Matthew 5:18
For truly, I say to you that, until
heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law
until all is accomplished.
I feel
that this verse is referring to the fact that nobody is going to escape judgment;
nothing will pass from the Law. This is good reminder that everyone is
accountable for their actions. Each one of us are responsible for the decisions
we make; some of the decisions I have made are that I will rationalize the
reason why I should not share the gospel with someone. Well I am accountable
for each one of those decisions.
verse reminds me that we don’t have all of the time that we want that Jesus
could come back very soon and then there will be no changing someone’s destiny.
application: to pray that God will burden my heart for the people I am around
so I won’t pass up any opportunities I have to share the Good News.
Thursday: Matthew 5:19
Therefore whoever relaxes one of the
least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called
least in the kingdom of but whoever does them and teaches them will be called
great in the kingdom of heaven.
This verse is interesting because of one specific saying
we all say and that is “a relationship with Christ is not just a list of do’s
and don’ts”. The truth in the matter is that there is a list of things we
should and shouldn’t do, but there is much more to the Christian life than
merely legalism. A relationship with Christ is about us recognizing our need
and his sacrifice that he made out of love for each one of us and when I
recognize that I should be compelled to do the things that he instructed me to
do in both the New and Old Testament. However, I need to make sure that I
strive to fallow all of the Old and New Testament commandments so when I teach people
to fallow those laws they will see that I am doing the same thing that I teach.
Jesus said this all of the New Testament commandments had not yet been given so
he must be referring to the Old Testament Laws. I often times overlook many of
these because I rationalize that I am in the new covenant of Christ, which I am
but, The old testament Laws were given to the Israelites that they would be
able to practice godly lifestyles. So why would I, a child of God, not want to practice
the instructions that he gave his own people.
Application: to do a study on the Old Testament laws. And to spend 10 minutes
reflecting on how I might be able to practice these better in my life.
Friday: Matthew 5:20
For I tell you, unless your righteousness
exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of
own righteousness will never exceed the scribes and the Pharisees. Although
they seem that they were not very righteous because a lot of their deeds were
out of selfish ambition and so I need to allow the love that Christ has shown
me to move towards righteousness even then I will not be righteousness enough
for heaven. However Christ’s sacrifice in living a perfect sinless life &
dies allows his righteousness to cover me as long as I accept his free gift.
Application: to continue my study on the Old Testament laws. And discover how
to practice them in my life.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Week 10 IBS
Monday: 1 Cor. 9:22-23
To the weak I became weak that I might
win the weak. I have become all things to all people that by any means I might
save some. I do it all for the sake of the Gospel that I may share with them in
its blessing.
Paul referred to becoming weak I don’t think he literally meant that he gave up
his strength. This verse instructs us that we should be conscientious of the
manner in which we act.
need to show that we are willing to become like the people in the countries
that we will be deployed to. Not only so that we can fit in there but also so
we can demonstrate the love of Christ by our actions there. We have to resolve not
to judge the cultural differences of the people that we will be working with
and because of the American attitude a lot of us possess is a reflection of
Christ and if we only come in as someone who wants to change what the people do
then we are only affecting their behavior not their world view. Paul also
mentions how he will only save some. Unfortunely this is true that there will
be people that will reject the Gospel, and therefore be damned. But if we are
even able to bring one extra person then all of our efforts are worth it.
application is that I would strive to be all things to all men, and tonight to
pray for 10 minutes about doing this in Uganda.
Tuesday: 1 Cor. 9:24
Do you not know that in a race all the
runners run but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.
exhorts each of us that we should run the race that each of us have before us
with all of our might. He also encourages us to run so that we might attain the
prize, the prize being Christ Jesus. The analogy of the Christian life being a
race is very interesting because 100 meter runners are to run with all their
might for the 10 seconds that they compete. Short distance runners also should
never look to the right or the left because the distraction of the other
runners will slow them down; they also want to keep their head fixed straight
ahead and not wavering this is so the runner won’t take extra time to take
large breaths.
are plenty of parallels between these two. Christians are to keep their gaze
fixed on Christ and not allow their eyes look to the left or the right. All to
often I look to other runners (Christians) and set my pace based on how fast
others are running, but Paul at the end of this versed tells us that we should
run like a 100 meter runner with all our might for the small amount of time
that we compete.
application: tonight I will reflect and pray about the areas of my life that I
am not running my hardest in.
Wednesday: 1 Cor. 9:25
athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a
perishable wealth, but we an imperishable.
As Paul stays with the race theme in this verse; he
speaks of how every athlete exercises self-control in what he eats and how he
trains and in all of the practice. We also should take our Christian “race”
just as serious but all too often we will get lazy and complacent with our
Christian walk.
Thursday: 1 Cor. 9:26
So do not run aimlessly; I do not box as
one beating the air.
can’t run aimlessly, if you run aimlessly then you usually won’t receive as
much benefit from that training as if you were running to a set point and back.
It is better to have a set point because then you know what direction you
want/need to go and you can figure the best route for you to take so you get
there. This verse reminds me an experience I had: often times when I get upset
or frustrated I will go on a run to blow off some steam. I would just run
aimlessly and so I would often lose track of time, and end up running for
several hours. It wasn’t ever a bad thing that I ran for several hours but I
usually would tire myself out on the first half of the run that when I had to
turn around and run all the way back home I would just have to jog or walk the
second half because I didn’t have any more strength. Thankfully all of us can
renew our strength in the Lord. So we can run our hardest because every day we
can come back before the Lord and then he can refill us as long as we are
willing to be filled.
We are not in a practice match after we are
saved Satan wants to do everything he can do to distract and destroy us. So I
need to train and perform like this is a live battle.
Application: Tonight I will pray for five minutes seeking the Lord to renew my
strength and be able to finish the weeks strong!
Friday: 1 Cor. 9:27
But I discipline my body and keep it
under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.
Paul refers to disciplining his body
I believe he means as in a physical way as well as a spiritual manor this way
he could be a man who was studying and knew the Word (because of his Jewish background)
and someone who wasn’t going to offend anybody because of his body stature. This
may seem trivial but in those times people did not seem to be very lenient so
Paul went the extra mile to present himself properly.
I go through extra measures as Paul did? No, I can see that I am far more
selfish than Paul. We (Christians) all should be willing to go the extra mile
but, we make excuse such as well they just need to adapt to the culture or they
can get over it. These excuses are unacceptable for me to make when I am referring
to anyone let alone the nonbelievers.
application: to reflect on what I will need to do so that I can effectively and
properly share the gospel with the people I will we coming into contact with
here, in Uganda as well as in my home town of Jacksonville, Florida.
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