Saturday, August 31, 2013

IBS Week 7

Week 7
Philippians 2:3
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more important than yourselves.
This verse is very applicable to my own life because far too often the things I do are done with my own interest in mind even things in which I appear to be serving other people; I often do those things so that others will want to serve me back, which is doing it out of selfish ambition. Outwardly I may seem to be servant hearted but in my heart I am being very selfish. God see the heart so in reality all I am doing is gaining the approval of man which we are warned of in the Scriptures. I want my actions to demonstrate what I believe, so today I am going to make an effort to put others first in everything I do and for every time I don’t put another first I will mark it down and keep track on my hand. Then the next day I will strive for that to happen less.

Philippians 2:4
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others.
We are all exhorted to
 Look out for_4648-Skŏpĕō to regard, consider, take heed, look at, or mark
Here and in 2 Cor. 4:18 are the only times this word in the Greek are used. This verb is not a strong verb but none the less we need to take heed of it. We are to look out for the interest of others but the verse says to do that also. We are to look out for our own interest as well as the interest of others. We are called to serve others like was shown in verse 3 but we also must not discount ourselves because we are all on level ground at the foot of the cross no believer is any better than another, but in the same manor we are all to humble ourselves below one another and look out for the interests of others above our own. This may seem to be a paradox because it is a beautiful example of the Christian brethren constantly lowering themselves below another. As one lowers himself below another the other is lifted up and likewise for the one who has lowered himself. This gives all of us an equal perspective on the cross. Although some sinners may sin more often it isn’t the fact of how often they sin but when we have sinned even once we are no longer worthy of heaven. We are all sinners saved by grace and grace alone.
So when we look into the interests of others we all have to look through the lens that all of us essentially are the same, not only all being a part of the common the body of Christ but also none of us are deserving of what we are given or blessed with.
As my application I will look for an opportunity to serve each of my fellow interns throughout this week so I will be able to look into their interests as well as my own.

Philippians 2:5-6
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
These two verses (5&6) fit into the passage perfectly. The apostle Paul is showing us that the reason we should “look into others interests” and “count others more important than ourselves” because this is exactly what Christ did! Jesus Christ left the glory of heaven, departing from his heavenly father’s splendor. He did that for me!? I need to have the mind of Christ, when I have the opportunity to serve the least of these I need to be excited and willing to do that. We all have opportunities to serve whether that is me helping out with the dishes, or carrying something for somebody, or helping clean up a house that was trashed. Jesus counted it all joy to come, SERVE, die, and be resurrected so also should we so that we might be able to mimic the life of Christ even in the slightest amount. The term grasped means to hold firmly, act decisively to the advantage of something or try to size hold of. Christ did not hold onto the power, authority, and righteousness that he had, but he blessed us with that.
If I am going to try and be a leader I need to imitate Christ in all that I do. Today I am going to pray for 10 minutes and ask the lord to show me how I might be able to lead through service.

Philippians 2:7
But emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
This week’s IBS verses are building on each other and the truth demonstrated is becoming clearer. The fact that Christ was willing to come down to this earth and serve the filthy creations that he had a part in creating; it doesn’t make any sense, but God so loved the world that he gave is only Son, that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Why should we get to have everlasting life for just believing? Not only the fact that we get heaven but also we are blessed through the Lord using us while we serve him here. We aren’t even worthy to do anything for Him let alone travel the world and spread the saving news of Jesus Christ
My application, today I will thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve here in Guatemala as well as the possibility of in Uganda.

Philippians 2:8
And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
The cross was a torturous way to die. We all know that. But the fact that Christ would choose to be obedient to the death on a cross is astounding! I feel that the pain Christ endured wasn’t just merely because of the physical affliction that Christ suffered but also the separation from His father which my mind cannot even fathom. The fact that He chose this is an incredible example of how we are to love others and be willing to serve others as a demonstration of our love for them.
I will pray this prayer while I find opportunities to serve today.
Lord, I thank you today for the sacrifice you made when your body was pierced your soul was broken so that your Spirit might be poured out upon me. I pray that I will be able to love others in the way that you loved us when you sacrificed your own life for us.

Friday, August 23, 2013

IBS week 6

Week 6: Obedience

Monday: John 14:15
If you love, me you will keep my commandments.
If we love Him being Jesus then we will keep His commandment this is referring to the covenant that God established to Israel. They however never seemed to keep Him commandments. The reason we should keep His commandments is not because we want to implement legalism on our lives but solely because we want our heavenly Father to dwell in us and us not fallowing his commandments is sinful and so that causes strife with God in our lives. One of the study notes that are written in my bible is True love manifest itself in willing obedience.
Today I will pray for 15 minutes about the areas in my Life that are causing strife with Him and repent of those things making my best efforts to remove them from my life.

Tuesday: Acts 5:29
But peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.
This passage is a very clear picture of boldness and confidence, which the apostles possess because of their confidence that they are doing is the will of their Father. Maybe the spirit prompts you to witness to someone in the supermarket we have a plethora of excuses to come up with that give ourselves reason to believe that the Spirit cannot actually mean for us to talk to that person. Or maybe the person you are trying to witness to is just too bad and they would never get saved. Well in this passage the Apostles are proclaiming truth to the very people that killed Jesus Christ. Peter was crossing every political and social rule by stating these things; not only that, but peter was speaking with the people who basically controlled his fate. The apostles were being summoned for essentially violating parole; previously the high priest strictly charged them to no longer teach of this name (Jesus) but the apostles filled all of Jerusalem with his teaching. That sounds kind of like violating parole. And so for peter to accuse the council of killing the Son of the Living God is very bold.
So in what way does this passage relate to obedience? Well the truth highlighted in 5:29 is very true, that we must obey God rather than man. In the surrounding passage peter demonstrates these things in the way he proclaims truth to the Sanhedrin. Peter is obeying the Lord to continuing to teach in the name of Jesus even while his is still in the presence of his accusers.  Although, some people may think his defense was in vain because later in the chapter all of the apostles are punished with the scourge, but more important than the punishment was the suffering that they endured but in vs. 41 it says the apostles left rejoicing. This show that the lord does work all things together for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28); the way it works out for our good could very well be in causing us to suffer like Christ did but in the end we are able to count it all joy (verse where it says count it all joy my brothers when you face trials and tribulations.)
Today I will dwell on the areas that the Lord is sanctifying in me that I may find joy in those things.

Wednesday: Romans 6:16
But do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
This verse and several of the other verses are clear that we all at one point were or are slaves to sin. (Romans 3:23) This is an incarnate condition of humanity. Henceforth we are all slaves of sin because we chose to serve sin which leads to death, instead of serving obedience which leads to righteousness. The game changer is in who I chose to serve I can be obedient to sin which leads me toward death or I can be obedient to God which leads me towards righteousness.
When the bible talks about being slaves to sin I am reminded of the times when I was addicted to pornography, for those five years I was a slave to sin. Lust was and is such a struggle for me. I constantly have to surrender my thoughts and desires to the Lord. Although I am not always successful in doing this I am no longer a slave to lust because I have chosen to become a slave of obedience by choosing to fallow Christ which has led to righteousness. The difference in my life now is that I have chosen and still choose to obey the Lord in my thought life and in the websites I spend my time on.
Application: Today, I will spend 10-15 minutes in prayer thanking him for the victory over this in my life and that I will continue to pursue purity.

 Thursday: Eph. 6:1 & Col 3:20
Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.
Children obey your parents in everything for this pleases the Lord.
The Bible is very clear that we’re to obey our parents. The fifth commandment states Honor your Father and Mother. So this is clearly an important concept as it is stated so many times. But why is this important? Is it only because our parents have our best interest in mind and so we need to heed their wisdom? Well that certainly is an important part of Children obey your parents. Hand in hand with this verse is the verse that states “Do everything without complaining or arguing.”

However even further than this is the lesson that I need to obey authority. I am naturally very rebellious and that is a sign of my sinful nature because I always want to find a better way to do something. Far more often than not my rebellion will get me into trouble; back when I was around four years old I was in my mom’s bathroom with her as she was doing her hair. To a four year old boy it was fascinating to see all of the instruments and tools my mom used to do her hair, one of which being a curling iron. Well I knew I was not supposed to touch anything on my mom’s bathroom counter, but I decided that I wanted to see what was up there. Being a four year old I grabbed straight for the shiniest thing I could see the end of the curling iron…needless to say I got burned pretty bad I had wore a sock with an ice pack over my hand for the rest of the day.
Even deeper within this truth is the parallel that a child obeying their parents is the same way that our Heavenly Father instructs us to obey him. The nation of Israel learned this the hard way when they wandered for forty years in the wilderness. They definitely did not do all things without complaining or arguing. In fact in every couple of chapters it seems that the Israelites were complaining or arguing over something.
We as Christians are to obey our physical parents but even more importantly we need to obey our Heavenly Father. My application is that today I will spend time in prayer that I might be sensitive to the Spirit’s voice in my life and that I will obey Him when he is speaking to me. Also I will be more diligent when my physical parents instruct me to do something.
Friday: Heb. 13:17
Obey your leaders and submit to them for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.
God has placed me under leaders in this program I need to heed what they ask me to do because in the end they have my best in mind. Not only the leaders above me need to do this though but I need to as well because I am a leader and I will give an account for all the instruction I gave, and I will account for the example I set through my own life. I realized this in my youth ministry. When I was approached by several Jr. Higher's parents and they thanked me for the example I was setting for their children. I always thought that the parents were just saying that to be nice, but then I began to observe how the youth group would behave when the leaders behaved differently.
Application: To pray for 10 minutes about humbling myself and submitting to the leaders and most importantly my Lord.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Inductive Bible Study Posts

One of the incredible tools God has blessed me with through my time in the Ignite program is Learning the Inductive Bible study method. So I will be posting each week's daily IBS devotionals. I hope these will bless all those who read them.

Week 5
1st Tim. 6:6-8
But godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into this world and we cannot take anything out of this world. But if we have food and clothing with these we will be content.
Godliness is a battle in every believer’s life because our flesh constantly wanting more and more (i.e. sin) this verse 6 show the same thing to us: How our flesh is constantly going to want more and more comforts. When godliness and contentment are combined when pursuing the Lord we experience great fulfillment. I have personally struggled with godliness in my own life and between lust and lying I have plenty of sin piled up in my own life. But at the times in my life when I am not struggling with sin and I am not content with the things the lord is blessing me with; in those times I feel that I am not able to grow because I am walking with the lord but not thanking him for the things that he blesses me with. I need to be content with the thing the lord blesses me with. I need to be willing to surrender those things back to God so that I will experience true blessing from trusting him with everything. The best way that I will be able to trust him with everything is if I will ask him to strip away the things that are not drawing me closer towards him. I hope that I will be willing to hold things loosely, so that God will remove them and that I may even experience some suffering from losing those comforts. But in that discomfort and possible suffering I would be able to look more like Christ in my lifestyle.
Today I will spend ten minutes reflecting on the things that are not necessary in my life. And then spend ten minutes praying that God would remove those things and that I would surrender them to him.

Luke 3:14
Soldiers also asked him, “and we, what shall then we do?” and he said to them do not extort money from anyone by threats or false accusations, and be content with your wages.
John the Baptist called the soldiers to abstain from the moral temptations that were plaguing men in their profession. The fact that this parallels so closely to many of Christ’s responses later in the Gospels, demonstrates that John the Baptist was walking so closely with the Spirit. Also, his statement is an example of how believers need to die to their selves and be content in what the Lord is doing for and in them. I all too often am dwelling on what others are thinking of me or what my spiritual image looks like rather than what Christ is doing directly in my own life. I need to fix my eyes on what Christ is doing in my life instead of what others are thinking of me. The soldiers may have been able to realize that their wages are enough for them to have comfortable lives, but more so than earthly comforts they would experience what the coming Christ will be able to do in their lives and the total sufficiency that he can be in their lives.
Application: I will spend ten minutes in prayer tomorrow morning asking for a fresh filling of the holy spirit that I might be able to speak truth into the lives of others, that will point them towards Christ as John the Baptist did to the tax collectors and soldiers in this passage.

Hebrews 13:5
Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.
The bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil so in order for me to rid my life of evil I should not pursue a  high paying salary but search for the job and/career the lord would have for me. As we saw yesterday, I am to be content with my wages and never complain about not making enough money. But even further than this as a Christian I need to deny my fleshly sinful actions and be content with the gift of Christ. All too often I spit in the face of God by sinning merely because I want to put my desires over His whether that be by lusting or lying or any other sin, when I do these things I am putting my own wants above my Fathers and that is a demonstration of discontentment. So today as I go about my day when I sin; I will immediately repent of that sin and show my contentment towards Christ by thanking God in prayer for the sacrifice of the perfect Lamb!  

Philippians 4:11
Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am in to be content.
Paul is writing this letter from a jail cell and he speaks of how the Lord is working through him and how thankful he is. I don’t think there has ever been a full day where I was totally satisfied in who Christ. Don’t get me wrong there have been plenty of moments where right after a worship service I feel like I won’t ever need another thing in life then on the ride home I am complaining about what restaurant we are going to eat at? Or wish that my mom would cook another food that I would like better. I’m so incredibly blessed to have a mom who would cook me an amazing meal like this, not to mention that the meal cost as much as most of the world makes in a week. And even the kitchen that the food is prepared in is larger than most of the houses that a lot of people will ever own. I need to find contentment in all of these things.
As Paul was able to in jail, I need to find my satisfaction in God. So today I am going to try not to complain about anything weather that be the vegan diet I’m on or the mosquitoes. And If I do complain about anything then I will either remove or double that activity in my life. Also I will pray as I have the urge to complain tomorrow and thank god for all the positive aspects of that activity.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


God is so good, this past Saturday I participated in an outreach we did in Antigua in central park. We staged flash mob and sang several songs in Spanish and English, then a member of a missions team that was here shared the Gospel with nearly a hundred people! We also distributed several hundred tracts and  there were at least four people that surrendered their lives to the Lord and dozens of other seeds were planted.
Thank you for all your prayers and support!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Month 1 Update

Hey everybody! Thank you so much for the prayers and support over the past weeks! The ministry here is incredible! I have loved working with all of the kids! The Lord is really moving in the lives of the people here! Also I was sick this past week with a intestinal bacteria that has been giving me some issues with my digestion. So praise God; he is faithful and has been healing me. I thank everyone for their prayers and pray for God to bless all of you!