Saturday, August 31, 2013

IBS Week 7

Week 7
Philippians 2:3
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more important than yourselves.
This verse is very applicable to my own life because far too often the things I do are done with my own interest in mind even things in which I appear to be serving other people; I often do those things so that others will want to serve me back, which is doing it out of selfish ambition. Outwardly I may seem to be servant hearted but in my heart I am being very selfish. God see the heart so in reality all I am doing is gaining the approval of man which we are warned of in the Scriptures. I want my actions to demonstrate what I believe, so today I am going to make an effort to put others first in everything I do and for every time I don’t put another first I will mark it down and keep track on my hand. Then the next day I will strive for that to happen less.

Philippians 2:4
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others.
We are all exhorted to
 Look out for_4648-Skŏpĕō to regard, consider, take heed, look at, or mark
Here and in 2 Cor. 4:18 are the only times this word in the Greek are used. This verb is not a strong verb but none the less we need to take heed of it. We are to look out for the interest of others but the verse says to do that also. We are to look out for our own interest as well as the interest of others. We are called to serve others like was shown in verse 3 but we also must not discount ourselves because we are all on level ground at the foot of the cross no believer is any better than another, but in the same manor we are all to humble ourselves below one another and look out for the interests of others above our own. This may seem to be a paradox because it is a beautiful example of the Christian brethren constantly lowering themselves below another. As one lowers himself below another the other is lifted up and likewise for the one who has lowered himself. This gives all of us an equal perspective on the cross. Although some sinners may sin more often it isn’t the fact of how often they sin but when we have sinned even once we are no longer worthy of heaven. We are all sinners saved by grace and grace alone.
So when we look into the interests of others we all have to look through the lens that all of us essentially are the same, not only all being a part of the common the body of Christ but also none of us are deserving of what we are given or blessed with.
As my application I will look for an opportunity to serve each of my fellow interns throughout this week so I will be able to look into their interests as well as my own.

Philippians 2:5-6
Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,
These two verses (5&6) fit into the passage perfectly. The apostle Paul is showing us that the reason we should “look into others interests” and “count others more important than ourselves” because this is exactly what Christ did! Jesus Christ left the glory of heaven, departing from his heavenly father’s splendor. He did that for me!? I need to have the mind of Christ, when I have the opportunity to serve the least of these I need to be excited and willing to do that. We all have opportunities to serve whether that is me helping out with the dishes, or carrying something for somebody, or helping clean up a house that was trashed. Jesus counted it all joy to come, SERVE, die, and be resurrected so also should we so that we might be able to mimic the life of Christ even in the slightest amount. The term grasped means to hold firmly, act decisively to the advantage of something or try to size hold of. Christ did not hold onto the power, authority, and righteousness that he had, but he blessed us with that.
If I am going to try and be a leader I need to imitate Christ in all that I do. Today I am going to pray for 10 minutes and ask the lord to show me how I might be able to lead through service.

Philippians 2:7
But emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.
This week’s IBS verses are building on each other and the truth demonstrated is becoming clearer. The fact that Christ was willing to come down to this earth and serve the filthy creations that he had a part in creating; it doesn’t make any sense, but God so loved the world that he gave is only Son, that who so ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Why should we get to have everlasting life for just believing? Not only the fact that we get heaven but also we are blessed through the Lord using us while we serve him here. We aren’t even worthy to do anything for Him let alone travel the world and spread the saving news of Jesus Christ
My application, today I will thank the Lord for the opportunity to serve here in Guatemala as well as the possibility of in Uganda.

Philippians 2:8
And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
The cross was a torturous way to die. We all know that. But the fact that Christ would choose to be obedient to the death on a cross is astounding! I feel that the pain Christ endured wasn’t just merely because of the physical affliction that Christ suffered but also the separation from His father which my mind cannot even fathom. The fact that He chose this is an incredible example of how we are to love others and be willing to serve others as a demonstration of our love for them.
I will pray this prayer while I find opportunities to serve today.
Lord, I thank you today for the sacrifice you made when your body was pierced your soul was broken so that your Spirit might be poured out upon me. I pray that I will be able to love others in the way that you loved us when you sacrificed your own life for us.

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