Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 9 IBS

Week 9
Monday: Phil. 3:8
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ

Do I count all as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord? Paul was a man who truly knew what it meant to suffer and he was willing to endure the harsh beatings and punishment because he knew that he would become more like Christ through it. This ties into pastor Francisco’s sermon last night that we should find joy in our sufferings because people will see the testimony through that but also that we will become more like Christ through the suffering. (Phil. 1:21) Paul’s entire life could be summarized as looking more like Christ daily. He truly knew how to die to himself and take up his cross; he would walk into cities that hated him just so he could preach to and encourage the believers there. He really counted everything except Christ as rubbish.
I don’t think I can honestly say that I count all things as rubbish but I wish I could. It matters only that Christ is my all and that he means more than all other things. I haven’t met many people that truly have been able to totally surrender their every want and desire to Christ. The beauty is that, we in our own flesh don’t have to do all these things, but when we accept Christ we are a new creation (2nd Cor. 5:17). So we solely need to pursue Christ and the Spirit will direct our desires and our actions.
My Application: To pray for 10 that I will be able to have the mindset of Paul and desire to only know Christ and Him crucified. (1st Cor. 2:2)

Tuesday: Phil. 3:9
 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—
I feel like Paul was referring to the Jews and Pharisees when he referred to righteousness that comes through the law because in that day Judaism was all about keeping the law that was not the reason God had created it that way but the Pharisees distorted Gods intended plan. Paul had the liberty to communicate to this group this way because he used to be one of them.
This verse seems to be a summation of the Gospel we must be found in Christ because we are sinners and do not have any righteousness of our own which comes through the law that. So I can never attain heaven but righteousness comes through Christ Jesus if I depend on Him through faith. I am supposed to depend on something or someone that a lot of people will try and tell us doesn’t exist; but I have a personal relationship with the creator of all things and so I have no reason to doubt.
Application: to memorize this verse before tomorrow morning.

Wednesday: Phil. 3:10
that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
I broke this passage up into three sections. Because I am a Christian I should desire every one of these the same way that Paul strived for these…
The power of his resurrection- if we are to know Christ in the power of his resurrection then we will experience the full power of God! We shouldn’t have any issue of faith if we are experiencing the power of his resurrection. 
His sufferings- I desire to share with Christ in His sufferings. This sounds ridiculous to the nonbeliever but to someone who knows the Almighty God it is a comforting thought that the Lord God will sustain each one of us through the trials that he allows to strengthen us.
His death- Christ death was more than just a horrible way to die but the fact that the perfect spotless lamb would be sacrificed as our propitiation or bridge to the Father is remarkable because Christ never once stepped out of God’s will. I have plenty of distractions that can draw me away from the Lords will whether they seem sinful or not I need to repent and turn away from those things in my own life.
My Application: tonight I will spend 10-15 minutes in prayer that I will turn from the sins and distraction that are causing disruption with the Spirit. Also I will memorize this verse by tomorrow morning.

Thursday: Phil. 3:11
that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.
The resurrection from the dead- what could Paul have meant by this that we physically be raised from the dead? Possibly but I feel that Paul refers to the resurrection as in a spiritual since we were all dead in our trespasses and sin. Then then we were resurrected when we accepted Jesus Christ that we might have life in Him. What is necessary to obtain the resurrection from the dead? Do we all have to suffer in the manor that Christ suffered and be like him in his death? Once again I feel that this verse is referencing the spiritual aspect of this question.
Another question one might pose is to ask well why does Paul need to be resurrected he is already a believer in Christ? All of us in this program are already believers in Christ but our actions don’t always demonstrate that so we must crucify our selves. When I worry where the funding for the rest of this year will come from I am not crucifying my flesh I am actually giving Satan a foothold of doubt in the power of God.
What things in my own life are needed for me to be resurrected not only today but every day. I need to crucify my flesh and find my identity in Christ.

My application: in addition to memorizing this verse before tomorrow morning I will pray that God will give me assurance that I am in his will and where He guides me He will provide for me.

Friday: Phil. 3:12-13
Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,
 This is an important point in Paul’s letter to Philippi because he was able to relate to the believers there that weren’t perfect. They had heard that the Jesus will come to live in you when you believe on Jesus Christ. But I feel that the people were probably still struggling with sin.
This was very true of my own life I had struggled with an addiction to pornography for almost four years. Then when I was at summer camp in 2009 and was asked “What is God doing in your life?” I realized God wasn’t doing anything in my life, but I just need to surrender my life to Him. So that night I prayed and received Christ. My ideology was that now that I am a Christian, I won’t even struggle with lust anymore. Boy was I wrong, a few weeks after I found myself in the same place: convicted about the sin in my life but not willing to make any changes. It wasn’t until nearly a year after that I was willing to be honest about the sin in my life that was destroying my relationship with Christ or so I thought. Well I shared with several of my close Christian brothers of what I was struggling with and to my surprise nearly every one of them were struggling with the same thing. I had allowed Satan to isolate me into a corner that I wasn’t alone in. I can’t say I haven’t ever had a lustful thought since that summer; but I do know that God has been doing a great work in my life since that time.

My Application: to strain forward towards Christ and not allow my inadequacies to stand in my way.

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